Jan 2008 ~ Jan 2011
Warrant Officer Class One Craig Howe was born in Sydney 30 August 1967, he enlisted into the Australian Regular Army in 1985. At the completion of recruit training he was allocated to the Royal Australian Infantry Corps.
Warrant Officer Howe has held a range of regimental and training positions and was promoted to Warrant Officer Class One in January 2006.
Warrant Officer Howe has served in three Battalions within the Royal Australian Regiment from Rifleman to Regimental Sergeant Major. His Instructor postings include Rifleman Wing, The School of Infantry, The Royal Military College of Australia, and the Australian Defence Force Academy as the Warrant Officer Drill and Ceremonial. He has also served in a General Reserve Battalion as a Training Warrant Officer and Regimental Sergeant Major.
The highlights of his career to date include, representing the Australian Army in the Royal Guard in 1988. Being awarded the Order of Australia Medal in the Queens Birthday Honours in 2009. Deploying on Operation’s Citadel East Timor in 2003 and Operation Catalyst as part of the Coalition Military Assisted Training Team, Iraq 2004.
Warrant Officer Howe has been awarded the Order of Australia Medal, Australian Active Service Medal, Australian Service Medal, Defence Force Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Australian Defence Medal, East Timor Solidarity Medal and the United Nations Medal East Timor. He has also been awarded Commendations from The Commander of the 1st and 2nd Division, Commander Training Command - Army and Deputy Chief of Joint Operations, Iraq.
Warrant Officer Howe is married and has three children with his wife Lisa, Thomas, Matthew and Jackson. His interests include playing golf, kayaking and spending time with his family.