Lieutenant Colonel Grogan enlisted as an infantryman in the Army Reserve in 1997, before transferring to the Regular Army and serving in 3 RAR. After time in rifle companies and Support company, he entered the Royal Military College, returning to Infantry on graduation.
Within the Royal Australian Regiment, he has previously served in 2 RAR as a platoon commander and Operations Captain, and 6 RAR as an Officer Commanding and Operations Officer.
Outside the RAR, he has had a number of staff and instructional postings. He has been posted to HQJOC, and instructed at the Royal Military College – Duntroon. After staff college, he was selected as an exchange officer with the United States Marine Corps, before his last posting to ADF Headquarters.
Lieutenant Colonel Grogan has deployed frequently throughout his career. During his time in 3 RAR, he deployed to East Timor and the Solomon Islands, then Timor-Leste again with 2 RAR. He later deployed to Afghanistan as an advisor, and most recently to Iraq.