Basic Accommodation for One Year
This is a typical layout of a digger's home for 12 months. It was not much better than the first tour 5RAR soldiers, a metal-framed cot with a basic mattress with sheets pillow and pillow case and colloquially termed by the diggers as "the farter." A mosquito net, a metal trunk or two, a folding chair and a metal locker. What isn't in this picture would be a small desk to write home on. Of course the ubiquitous Playboy centrefolds played an important part in reminding the digger that his present situation wasn't going to last forever.
It is interesting to note that years later when Australia was struggling with a huge influx of illegal immigrants and the government of the day was struggling to accommodate them, it was suggested that they be housed in tents. A member of the 'Greens' party accused the government of being "cruel and inhuman!" The irony was well understood by the Australian Vietnam veteran.