OMLT 33D patrol in the Deh Rawud district
October 2010
PTE Tom Jane (MAG 58 gunner) takes a knee during an unpartnered security patrol lead by WO2 Trevor Lynch (TSM 33D) in the village of Yatimak. The patrol denied Insurgents the freedom of movement and gave Combat Team Charlie (CTC) a greater understanding of the human terrain in that area of the Deh Rawud District, Afghanistan.
PTE Tom Jane would have a very close call whilst in combat employing that same weapons system in the Tangi Valley only a few months later. (See Afghanistan/On Active Service/A Close Call)
An OMLT [Operation Mentor & Liaison Team] or "Mentor Team" consists of 2 infantry sections and attachments Combat Engineers, Artillery - JTAC [Joint Terminal Attack Controller] & JFO [Joint Fires Observer] as well as a Combat Medic.