Operational List 5 RAR 1969 ~ 1970



Captain M. R. Battle was the intelligence officer for much of the the Battalion's second tour having taken over the role from from Captain Tim Britten. Captain Battle compiled and edited the unit's Year Book, "The Year of the Tigers" which we have referenced for operations conducted by the Battalion 1969 - 70.

Lieutenant Colonel Colin Khan D.S.O., had this to say about the Battalion's second tour.

"The Battalion was proven to be second to none. Our Warrant Officers and NCO's were superb and the unequalled wealth of their experience shone through. Our officers from the three schools of Duntroon, Portsea and Scheyville blended as one to give the direction and example expected of them. Trusted as they were by being given the singular honour by leading the greatest infantrymen Australia has produced and I refer to our private soldiers, that regular and national serviceman the man who walked up front to bear the brunt and made whatever was achieved possible. It was a humbling experience to all of us who had the privilege of leading such men. We remember our achievements have a price. 25 killed in action and 202 wounded in action. To all of the then young Tigers I pay my tribute and my thanks for the year you gave of your best to uphold the finest traditions of the Australian Army, the Regiment and the Battalion."

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