$ 50 / FOR 3 YEARS
- Membership of the association is offered to all ex-members of the battalion and all persons who were posted to the battalion. This includes those persons of corps other than the Royal Australian Infantry Corps who were posted to the unit establishment of the battalion. All member and ex-members of the Fifth/Seventh Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment, and successor battalions to the battalion will be eligible for ordinary membership of the association.
$ 50 / FOR 3 YEARS
- The executive committee may extend Honorary Membership of the association to a distinguished person or to a person who has given outstanding service to the battalion or the association. Honorary memberships shall carry all the benefits of ordinary membership with the exception of a vote of any kind.
$50.00 for three years (subject to review)
RENEWAL PERIOD: 1 March 2020 - 28 February 2023
Note: A person, who upon joining the Association, within the final year of the current renewal period from 1 March 2022 will be granted an extended membership period to 28 February 2026.