Military Cross (MC)


Lieutenant Michael Geneste Langley

Citation accompanying the award of the Military Cross to Lt. Langley.

Lieutenant Michael Langley, having previously served as an officer in the Royal Artillery, was commissioned into the Royal Australian Artillery on 28 June 1965, as a member of 1st Field Regiment.

On 21 February 1967, Lieutenant Langley was the forward observer with B Company, 5th Battalion, The Royal Australian
Regiment during Operation Renmark. Near the village of Long My, at 1411 hours, the company headquarters group became caught in an enemy minefield and at least two mines were detonated. The whole of the command element of the company was included in the casualties, of whom nine died and a further twenty were wounded.
Placing his own party of' men in a safe place, Lieutenant Langley immediately moved forward into the minefield. With complete disregard for his own safety, he rendered first aid to the injured and arranged their subsequent evacuation by helicopter. He then took command of the remnants of the company, organised the local defence of their position and successfully maintained morale and fighting spirit. He remained in command of B Company until 1107 hours on the following day when the company was able to rejoin the Battalion headquarters.
Lieutenant Langley, by his immediate action was able to steady the survivors at a critical moment and prevent further casualties occurring. His complete disregard for his own safety and his care for the wounded soldiers displayed a standard of calmness and bravery that reflects great credit upon himself, his Regiment, and the Australian Regular Army.

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