Mentioned In Despatches (MID)


Second Lieutenant Robert Anthony Fenwick.

Citation accompanying the award of Mentioned in Dispatches to 2/Lt. Fenwick.
Second Lieutenant Robert Fenwick, a National Service Officer, graduated from the Officer Training Unit, Scheyville in October 1967 and was posted to 5th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment. He arrived in South Vietnam in January 1969 as Officer Commanding 12 Platoon, D Company.

In June 1969, after enemy mines had caused the loss of all except five men in 12 Platoon, Second Lieutenant Fenwick was faced with the task of raising a new Platoon and restoring the confidence of the few surviving members. Through a remarkable display of personal courage, leadership and aggressiveness over a long period in frequent contact with the enemy, Second Lieutenant Fenwick has raised a second outstanding Platoon which now has to its credit more enemy killed than any other Platoon in the Battalion. To achieve this, Second Lieutenant Fenwick has had to give much more of himself and expose himself to danger more than that expected of a good Platoon Commander. He has never hesitated to place himself in the most dangerous positions in all contacts with the enemy and this display of personal courage has been largely responsible for the success of his platoon.
In August 1969, 12 Platoon was in ambush when a vastly superior and heavily armed enemy force approached the position. Despite the numbers which approached him, estimated at 90, he calmly assessed the threat and throughout the action directed the fire power of his platoon and that of supporting artillery and mortars. Heavy casualties were inflicted on the enemy and a large amount of equipment captured.
In September 1969, 12 Platoon contacted an enemy force in a bunker system. Without waiting for the normal heavy fire support, Second Lieutenant Fenwick launched an immediate attack and captured the enemy position. The surprise and aggressiveness of his assault forced the enemy to abandon their positions leaving three dead and large quantities of stores. The actions of Second Lieutenant Fenwick reflect great credit on himself and The Royal Australian Regiment.

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