5RAR Archive

Officers of 5RAR after the Formation Parade in May 1965

Officers of 5RAR after the Formation Parade in May 1965

Back L to R: Lt W. Weir, 2Lt J. Nelson,  2Lt T.J. "Hookey" Sheehan,  2Lt J.P. Mcaloney,  2Lt J.H. Dickenberg 2Lt W. Hindson, 
Lt B. French,  2Lt D.G. Lovell.
Front L to R: Capt R.T. Shambrook,  Maj J.F. Miller,  Maj I. McNeil,  Maj J.A. Warr,  Lt Col P.H.G. Oxley,  Capt R.E. Boxall,  Capt M. Gill,   
Capt A. Nesbitt,   Lt P.J. Isaacs.

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