2016 Warr/Khan Trophy Winner


Corporal Luke Anthony Ryder

Corporal Luke Anthony Ryder enlisted in the Australian Army in August 2009 and has served in a range of appointments within the 5th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment. Over the past twelve months Corporal Ryder has performed to an excellent standard across a broad spectrum of tasks as the Battalion has assumed the responsibilities of the Ready Battle Group. Throughout the Readying phase Corporal Ryder has demonstrated exemplary leadership and superior execution of his duties as a junior commander within the 5th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment.

Corporal Ryder's performance as a rifle section commander in Delta Company in late 2015 was outstanding. In preparing his section for the 1st Brigade Predator series of exercises, he led the best live-fire section attack in the 5th Battalion. Through his diligent mentoring, highly effective training style and excellent knowledge base, he developed a section that was aggressive, professional and highly motivated to win in close combat. On Exercise PREDATORS RUN in October 2015, Corporal Ryder demonstrated an excellent level of knowledge, leadership and enthusiasm. Throughout this activity, the proficiency of Corporal Ryder and his section often led to his section being appointed as the vanguard for the Company, tasked with the most difficult missions and those that required a mentally agile, mission-focussed leader. Corporal Ryder and his section continued to be the force-of-choice within Delta Company, noted for their skill in foundation war fighting and security operations and their ability to seamlessly switch between light, motorised and mechanised operations while maintaining their superior performance. Corporal Ryder's sustained contributions to Delta Company over 2015 greatly assisted it in being recognised as the Champion Company of the 5th Battalion.

Corporal Ryder again showed exceptional foresight by investing time into modernisation proposals for the Platoon; looking into acquiring enhanced optics and funding to ensure future members of the platoon could be supported in constructing effective head and shoulders and other personal camouflage.

Corporal Ryder deployed to South Australia as a patrol commander for Exercises PREDATORS’ STRIKE and HAMEL. During this period Corporal Ryder led his mounted reconnaissance patrol through the full spectrum of operations. Whilst operating in Whyalla, Corporal Ryder demonstrated that he could quickly assimilate information and communicate effectively back to Battle Group Headquarters to effectively support the conduct of a successful non-combat evacuation operation. Corporal Ryder was then able to rapidly realign his patrol for conventional operations as the Battle Group advanced through the Cultana Training Area. During the battlegroup’s air-mobile operation to seize Iron Knob, Corporal Ryder’s patrol was tasked to identify and secure landing zones for the air mobile insertion of the Battle Group. Operating in an uncertain environment, contested by a mechanised enemy, Corporal Ryder demonstrated exceptional battle discipline and determination when he secured the alternate landing zone with a neighbouring reconnaissance call sign in contact. This quick and decisive action was taken as a result of the pick-up zone being contacted and an alternate course of action being required to achieve 2 mission success. Post the successful air mobile insertion Corporal Ryder exploited the opportunity to rendezvous with his neighbouring patrol before supporting the final clearance in a screening role. Corporal Ryder’s efforts, paired with his small team leadership under pressure, proved instrumental to the successful conduct of the final Battle Group operation of Exercise Hamel.

Corporal Ryder has made significant contributions to the Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Sniper Platoon and to the 5th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment. Corporal Ryder is the leading example for all junior soldiers in the Battalion for work ethic, judgement and leadership. Corporal Ryder’s actions as a patrol commander for the 5th Battalion are in keeping with the finest traditions of the Royal Australian Regiment and the Australian Army.

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